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armenia military equipment

Armenia Military Equipment - Armenian military equipment captured by Azerbaijani forces is displayed at an open museum in Baku, Azerbaijan, on April 13, 2021. (IHA)

Some of the weapons and armored vehicles captured by the Azerbaijani army from Armenian forces during the recent Nagorno-Karabakh war have begun to be displayed in a newly built open museum in Baku.

Armenia Military Equipment

Armenia Military Equipment

The Spoils of War Museum, opened on Tuesday by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, displays tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, missile systems, personnel carriers and other vehicles destroyed or captured in working order during the war.

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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stands in front of a wall decorated with Armenian license plates and proclaims "Karabakh is Azerbaijan!" A view of the open-air museum displaying military equipment captured by Armenian forces during last year's Nagorno-Karabakh war in Baku, Azerbaijan, April 12, 2021 (photo courtesy of the Azerbaijan Presidential Press Office via AFP).

Located on 50 hectares (538 square feet) of the Caspian Sea, the park resembles a real battlefield. Right near the entrance to the museum are the remains of an "Iskander-M" missile that was used by Armenia in the war against Azerbaijan. In the exhibition you can see all types of vehicles and weapons used by the Armenian army, from T-72 tanks to BMP armored vehicles, from Zastava M-55 APC to Gvozdika automatic rifles and Tutka- U and Smerç missiles.

In the museum, the defense lines of the 10 phases established by Armenia and their location were exactly reproduced. In front of them are models of Armenian soldiers in minefields.

Military equipment captured from Armenian forces is displayed at the open air museum in Baku, Azerbaijan, on April 13, 2021. (IHA)

Tank Armenia Stock Photos

Some soldiers have models with their heads turned to the sky. In this way, the models refer to the fear of the Armenian soldiers caused by the drones used by the Azerbaijani army in the war.

"Karabakh is Azerbaijan" is written in the museum, and over 2,000 Armenian license plates are arranged side by side.

Wooden ammunition boxes of the Armenian army were used in the construction of the benches in the museum. The lighting along the paths was also made of tank bullets.

Armenia Military Equipment

Military equipment captured from Armenian forces is displayed at an open air museum in Baku on April 13, 2021, with a statue depicting an Armenian soldier in Azerbaijan. (IHA)

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The museum, which reflects Azerbaijan's victory in Nagorno-Karabakh in all its glory, is the most visited site in the country.

You can unsubscribe at any time. By registering, you agree to our terms of use and privacy policy. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and Google's privacy policy and terms and conditions apply. Armenian news agencies and Telegram channels reported this morning that the Indian Ministry of Defense signed an agreement for a large order for the export of missiles, rockets and ammunition. Armenia. The value of the order is more than 240 million dollars.

It is said that this order also includes the supply of Finca multi-barrel rocket launchers, especially those used by the Indian Army. Considering that India has always had a special sympathy for the "Land of Stone", this information is also true.

"We are looking for weapons in every country. India is one of such countries," said Andranik Kocharian, chairman of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security of the Armenian Parliament.

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In fact, Rabjan is completely confident in her power, her army and her weapons. Finca is not a "doomsday weapon", it is not a tactical nuclear weapon capable of inflicting massive damage on the Rabijan or intimidating it with the Indian Multiple Rocket System (MLRS). Even with the Iskander short-range mobile ballistic missile system, the Armenians could not intimidate us.

We think that some captured Finca rocket launchers [Armenians will certainly capture them given their pathological habit of dropping devices on battlefields and deserts] will be useful to our Pakistani friends for research. So dealing with the Indians is another waste of money for Yerevan.

Information about a huge increase in the Armenian military budget of 1.326 billion dollars in 2023, which is about 56% more than in 2022. It is a clear fact that Armenia is planning a new war.

Armenia Military Equipment

We remember the statement of Rabjani President Ilham Aliyev at the meeting dedicated to the results of the first quarter of 2022.

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"Therefore, if money is allocated to provide money to Armenia, we will perceive it as an unfriendly step and will respond accordingly," the president clearly warned.

Following these reports, information about reservist recruitment until November 22, 2022 went viral. Moreover, the latest three-month training for privates and officers announced from August 1, 2022 is yet to be completed. It is also a sensitive event. Why does Armenia train reservists? The answer is also clear. They are needed for X hours as Armenia embarks on a new military adventure against Rabjan.

In this context, it should be mentioned that the Armenian military and political leadership recently increased the armed provocations on the conditional border with Rabjan. In particular, the district of Kalabjar was shelled recently, resulting in the injury of a Rabjani soldier. Actions have been taken to respond immediately. Later, the Armenian Ministry of Defense announced the death of three Armenian soldiers [according to reports on the Telegram channels of Armenians and others - one of them is the battalion commander].

The most outrageous thing is that all this is happening before the visit of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to Prague, scheduled for October 6, 2022. According to our information, Rabjani's top leadership has also been invited to an informal EU summit in the capital. in the Czech Republic. According to informed sources of Caliber.Az, the Harvijani and Armenian sides plan to thoroughly discuss the future peace agreement in the meetings.

Why Has Fighting Broken Out Between Armenia And Azerbaijan?

However, all the aforementioned elements, the increase in the military budget, the purchase of Indian weapons and the mobilization of reserves indicate that the Armenian side is disrupting the peace talks, and not just delaying the discussion of a future document. are actively preparing for a new war.

Rabjan does not want war, this has been said several times at the highest level. We don't want war, but we are ready to interrupt the Armenian revival.

"Any attempt to restore Armenia will be resolutely rejected, it will face Rabjan's "iron hand", President Aliyev warned.

Armenia Military Equipment

We advise Armenians to take President Aliyev's warning seriously. Otherwise, if there is even the slightest threat to the safety of Rabjan, its population and its military personnel, the Rabjani soldier reserves the right to disperse not only along the conditional border, but also personally, as happened just recently this month. and in any other part of Armenia. YEREVAN, December 26. //. The Armenian armed forces plan to renew their arsenal with modern weapons, especially long-range weapon systems, in 2022-2023, Armenia's Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Artek Davityan, said at a year-end press conference on Thursday. .

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"We have a decision to purchase modern weapons, but we still do not have specific agreements. We plan to purchase such means in 2022-2023. In particular, this applies to long-range weapons," said the general.

When asked by a journalist about the possibility of purchasing Russian-made S-400 air defense systems, Dabatyan said that this option is not currently being considered.

"We have no such decision and will not take any steps to acquire them. The Armenian armed forces operate S-300 systems in combat service," he said.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on December 21 that Yerevan had purchased Russian Tor-M2KM anti-aircraft missile systems.

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Armenia Military Equipment

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