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fort mccoy game line

Fort Mccoy Game Line - All persons fishing at the Fort are required to have a fishing license and a valid Wisconsin fishing license. Wisconsin residents 65 and older, persons with disabilities (as determined by applicable Wisconsin law), children under the age of 16 fishing independently, and 4 day residents/nonresidents may purchase a reduced rate permit. Children under the age of 16 do not need a Fort Fishing permit if fishing with someone who has a Fort Fishing permit and a Wisconsin fishing license (with a trout stamp if fishing for trout). However, fish caught by children under the age of 16 who do not have a Fishing Fort must be included in the bag limit of Fort County and Wisconsin licensed anglers.

A suitable Fort iSportsman fishing permit and an appropriate Wisconsin State license and identification are required for Fort fishing. Fort permit holders are also required to obtain appropriate Wisconsin hunting, fishing and trapping licenses and notes when participating in these activities in the establishment. Purchase your Castle fishing permit through your iSportsman account. Wisconsin licenses and identification cards can be purchased through any Wisconsin DNR GoWild dealer, Service Center, or online at

Fort Mccoy Game Line

Fort Mccoy Game Line

Purchase of a Fort Fishing Permit: Purchase your Fort Fishing Permit directly through this website. New users, select Register from the list and create your Ft iSportsman account. Once in your name click on Acquire Permit, select the designated permit by clicking on Add to Cart (click on Get and Save to proceed). Then go to Cart View and Checkout to purchase your permit(s). You can print or save an electronic copy of your permit.

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Unless otherwise posted, fishing, except for trout, is permitted in all lakes and ponds from the first Saturday in May to the first Sunday in March. North Flowage and Lake Perdu are open for year-round catch, and seasonal catch and release of mullet. Fishing is allowed on the streams from Saturday May 1 to October 15.

Fort rivers will be open early in the season for trout to be caught and released as detailed in the Wisconsin Trout Fishing Regulations and Guide. Night fishing is allowed, but it is the snake's duty to check the Game Line, after midnight, to ensure that the lake or gym is open the next day.

2023 Catch and Release Season - The first cutthroat trout catch and release season will open on January 7, 2023 and run through May 5, 2023.

The lakes are indicated on the fishing map and correspond with the Game Line. The Game Line, accessed by calling (866) 277-1597, online at www., or the kiosk located at the Hunter Information Point, lists training areas and lakes closed each day.

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Free Fishing Weekends: No Ft fishing license or Wisconsin fishing license required, but Ft rules and daily bag limits apply.

Lake: If the lake is counted as open in the game line, but in a closed area and military training does not take place in the lake, the angler will use the marginal area around the lake (that is, the area or 50 feet mowed. lake). the beach, if the surrounding area of ​​the lake is not mowed) that does not conflict with military training, except for the lake from the road (s). Anglers should know if the lakes are closed for training; This can be checked in the iSportsman Online game.

Streams: If a stream runs through an area, or is used as a training area boundary, and the gym is closed for the day, anglers can still access and fish those streams, but they must stay. in the river corridor/flood, avoiding military training, and accessing rivers to cross the main road. You are not allowed to walk around the corner / through the closed training area to access the course. Parking for those river access vehicles must be at the main crossing/streaming. Silver Creek has a designated parking area along the main road in B-2, refer to the Fishing Map in Appendix E. Anglers are responsible for knowing if the practice area is closed for installation; This can be checked in the iSportsman Online game.

Fort Mccoy Game Line

Ice Fishing: Anglers may ice fish in all lakes/ponds at their own risk. Ice shaties can be used in lakes/pools, but must be removed at the end of each day.

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No motorized transport/repair (defined as any cart or transporter/motorized wheeled machine that allows the owner to maneuver more easily) is to be used while hunting/fishing/trapping in the Reserve includes: All Terrain Vehicles (ATV), Utility Terrain Vehicles (UTV). ), side-by-sides, golf carts, snowmobiles, lawn tractors, motorized carriers, etc., unless used for hunting under the WDNR permit during the Gun-Deer season for disabled hunters. Appropriate safety equipment (helmet, protective clothing, foot protection, eye protection) must be worn.

Bag, possession, and size limits: Bag, possession, and size limits in any of the lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers listed below shall follow the State of Wisconsin Fishing Regulations. When you reach these limits for a species, you must fish for that species.

The term possession refers to the maximum number of fish that a person can own or control (that is, in your freezer, cooler, vehicle, etc.), which is twice the total daily bag size.

The total daily bag is the maximum number of fish that can be caught from all bodies of water fished that day.

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The daily bag limit is the maximum number of fish that an angler can take from a given body of water in one day. An angler may not possess more than the daily limit of water while in the waters, banks or shores of that water.

Fishing by minors under 16 who do not have a Fort permit is included in the Wisconsin Fort and English licensed bag limit.

Fish Consumption DIRECTORY/News for Wisconsin Waters, WDNR websites (Type, or copy and paste, links into your browser of choice)

Fort Mccoy Game Line

Silver Creek: Only artificial bait can be used in Silver Creek from the bridge to the east of the airport, downstream to the west end of the dam. This section is illustrated in the map of the fishing harbor (see Appendix E).

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Boats and Motors: The operation of gasoline engines is prohibited in all Fort waters, except by emergency first responders or Fort employees performing their duties. Boats, boats, kayaks and floats with electric motors or without electric motors are only allowed on the Northeast, Lost Lake, West Sandy, Sandy, Big Sandy, Suukjak Sep and East Silver Lake. Boats, canoes, kayaks and rafts are not permitted on Stillwell Lake, Swamp or Sparta Lake. All boats, boats, kayaks and watercraft must comply with the Wisconsin Boating Regulations. All private watercraft must be removed from each day at the end of the Fort's possession.

Minnows and crabs: Legal minnows may be used on North Shore and Lost Lake only. Except for North Flowage and Lost Lake, dead or live minnows (unless commercially maintained) are not permitted as bait or in the catcher's possession at any time. Crab bait is not allowed in Fort waters. Uncommon baitfish are not permitted to be released into any Fort waters. Follow Wisconsin Minnow and other Baitfish rules regarding the purchase and transportation of minnows.

Fishing methods: Fishing with nets, spears and spears (including bow and arrow, crossbow, or by hand) in the waters of the Castle.

Swimming / Wading: Swimming / wading is not permitted in the Lagoon, except at Pine View Recreation Area Beach, except while wading is used for fishing.

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Illegal business: It is illegal to transfer live fish from one body to another without the consent of Fort NRB - Fishermen's Program. Do not cross, let go, fish or fish, fish into the waters of the Fort.

Allow Sales Job: Individuals who want to purchase a job permit can do so online through their iSportsman account. Over the Counter Sales (Building 2168) has limited access and is available by appointment only. Please call 608-388-3337 for additional assistance or to schedule an appointment. If you are in Fort McCoy and like to hunt or fish, you are interested in learning all about Fort McCoy's iSportsman portal. iSportsman is a grassroots resource for all things outdoors, and it makes activities like hunting and fishing much easier.

ISportsman Fort McCoy is your one-stop shop for hunting and fishing permits, trapping permits, game rules, maps, base recreation news, and more. Almost every military institution across the nation has an iSportsman portal; Keep reading to learn how you can use Fort McCoy to make any recreational excursion simple.

Fort Mccoy Game Line

If you are an avid hunter, fisherman or birdwatcher, you should know that the regulations of military organizations are not always the same. The first reason you need to create an account with Fort McCoy iSportsman is so you can follow the latest rules and regulations for your base, all in one convenient place.

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